David and Briun clening off satilite dish.
Now we kan see tv agun.
This iz r trampoleen fram. Thair wuz no sno yestrda.
Turn yur hed to the rite to see this pic thu rite weigh. It iz r chikn koop. Thair wuz to feet uv sno on top. U kan see in thu bak how deep it iz.
Path leding to chikn coop. Remembur, no sno yestudae.
Luking out frunt dore.
This post is written this way for Linda. She was making fun of my grammer on the last post, so now here you go. Love you all.
ReplyDeleteNow we all know you grew up in HIGVILLE
ReplyDeleteI was trying to figure out who the heck had typed that! Do you need help turning your pictures? lol :0)
ReplyDeleteMeredith (I'm on April's blog)
I was trying my best to be as HIGVILLISH as I could. I will try to go and get the pics changed to the right way, soon.
ReplyDeleteLeave them it gives your blog character lol :)