Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fryer Fly

Brian has a friend at work that ties fishing flies. Brian was talking to him and and said that the only thing a fly would be used for at his house would be to watch tv. So, this friend went home and made this fly for Brian. It is holding a remote control on it's front leg. It is a pretty good sized fly. It's legs are made out of zip ties. It is so cool.
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It's Done!!

Here are some pics of the finished project. There are a few pics of "in process" and then some of "finished, but the furniture needs to be put back". The pic with the purple bow is: David wanted to put a bow on the floor for my birthday (today). He couldn't find one, so he made one. He taped the bow on the floor and then told me "Happy Birthday, Mom. You deserve it. You worked so hard to get this done."
I will be getting some rugs to put in the kitchen to help break up the colors of the floor and cupboards. I just don't know what they will look like yet.
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Carpet All Gone!!!!

So, this is when the flooring is all torn up and we have vaccuumed the inch of dirt up from under where the carpet used to be.
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So, here are some pics of some of the damage done by the dishwasher. We have pulled the dishwasher and started pulling up the floor. There was mold under the underlayment. We doused it with bleach and then put a fan on it for a few days. Just wait for the next pics. They are amazing.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not Again!

Well, another "disaster" has hit our house. The dishwasher broke and caused alot of damage to the floor in our kitchen. We have started ripping it up and the insurance adjustor is coming in the morning to go over the damage. We have to replace the dishwasher and we are going to be replacing the flooring in the kitchen, living room, hall, and entryway. Even if the insurance doesn't cover it, it has to be done. We can't match what we already have down and so we are just going to get it replaced. Hopefully the insurance will cover some of it. I just don't know if I should be happy or sad. We have wanted to replace the flooring for awhile, but the whole money thing makes it hard. Now, we don't have much choice. I just hope we can get it done in the next couple of weeks so I can enjoy my vacation without worring too much about a ripped up house. Anyway, I will update as we go.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Moving Again

No, we are not moving from our house, or anything like that. We are, however, rearranging A LOT of stuff. We worked on getting the small room downstairs, off the family room, finished so we could make that our "study". We moved most of the shelves from the upstairs to that room. We have moved stuff and rearranged stuff in the kitchen to hopefully make the school area more efficient, and look better. After we get everything moved we will be making the room upstairs in a bedroom/guest room. We really need it to function in that capacity right now. I want to give a BIG BIG BIG shout-out to Joseph and Nicole. We could not have accomplished even half of what we have done without their help. Joseph used his big musckles and Nicole kept us fed (and helped move some stuff too). Joseph even helped me cut one of the shelves down to size. That was fun, not! I sure love those guys!
We still have tons of stuff to go through and get rid of. I can't believe how much stuff you can gather in 12 years in the same house. It sure feels good to go through stuff and get rid of things you haven't used in many years. It will help keep the house cleaner, I hope. Right now it is crazy, but it will get better each day. I really need to get rid of the junk in my life. They say that when you do that it helps get rid of the emotional junk in your life too. I guess we will see if that is true. I could sure use it right now.
When we get all done with moving stuff around I will take some pictures and put them on so everyone can see the changes.
Oh yeah, I also finished a quilt today. It is a baby quilt for a friend. I will get some pics of that put on here as well. Never a dull moment at this house.