Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cool, Not Creepy, Crawly

While playing at the park in Wellsville with some friends we saw this catepillar on one of the kids' shoe. It looked fake at first. We watched it for awhile and then put it on a tree so it could go on with life. The girl whose shoe it is said that it looked like it had a walrus face. It really did! It was fun to watch the blood pulse through the vein that went down the center of the body. It was a very cool find!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

David's Kayak

David built this kayak in scouts. It took the scouts three months to do it, because they only worked on it a couple of hours a month. It is so cool to watch the boys out on the water. I was amazed at how manuverable they are and how fast! This pic is at Hyrum Dam during the maiden voyage. Brian is going to build one so they can go out together.