Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bike the Bear!

D just finished riding 52 miles around Bear Lake! He did it all in about 5.5 hours! Way to go Bud!!!! I know I could never do that in the shape I am in. I am so proud of him.

Photography Class

I am loving my photography class! It has been lots of fun learning how to use my camera. I am still working on some aspects of it, but it is way fun. I am learning to take LOTS of pics to make sure you get the one you want.

Here is a pic of one of the models we had for class, E. She was fun to take pics of. I don't know that I like taking pics of people so much. I guess I just don't like getting into people's personal space too much. I know I prefer taking photos of things or animals.

This is one of my favorite pics of E . I love how the grass is in the front. Some people don't care for this look, but I like it.

This is another class time. We had a model come in that our teacher just walked up to and asked if he could take pictures. The man agreed and came the next week. This is his violin. I love how the light plays on the wood.

This close-up of S. is one of my favorites of him. It shows the passion he has for playing.

This is also one of my favorites of S. He was so much fun to take pics of. This one has just the right balance of light and shadows. I actually got quite a few really good ones of him. I don't want to overwhelm anyone with lots of photos of the same things.
I will try to put other types of pics on here, like the ones I just got this week of the kids at Lava Hot Springs and Yellowstone Bear World. That was an adventure in and of itself. Way cool pics of bears, up close, kinda.