Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Emilie's Room is DONE!

You can see Emilie's bedspread in this picture. It is dressess that are all different. On the back of the bedspread the fabric is the same as the curtians.

This pic is the door wall. There are red, brown, blue, and purple paw prints on the walls and doors. I tried to get the same colors as the fabric of the curtians and bedspread.

Closet doors. You can really see the shapes good in this one.

Top of curtians. All those little dots are paw prints of the same colors as the ones on the walls.

Close up of wall paw prints.

Emilie just loved her room. I kept the door closed the whole time I was painting. I wanted it to be a surprise. It is such a relief to have one of the bedrooms done. For Christmas this last year we told the kids that part of their Chirstmas gifts was that mom and dad would be finishing their rooms. Their bedspreads were the inspiration for each of the different rooms. We have the stuff to put insulation in one of the bedrooms downstairs. We will get that done this week and then next payday get the insulation for the other bedroom. After that we will go on to the next step.
It is lots of fun, but hard work. I am enjoying getting it done. After the bedrooms are done we will start on the outside and then the hallway downstairs. The pour bathroom downstairs will be last, maybe.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This is one side of our new shelves in the food room. This side will have boxes of #10 cans, from the family canning store.This next picture is the other side of the room. As you can see it already has food on the shelves. This is those same shelves, without any food. The shelves go from the floor to the ceiling. It is nice to have everything organized. Now we know what we have and can get to it. I actually found two cases of corn that I didn't know I had. It will be nice to see everything and actually get to it.
Dave and Zoobi are helping put the sheetrock up before we put the shelves up. David is becoming a very big helper when it comes to projects like this. He is actually working on his Home Repair Merit Badge right now. This goes towards one of the requirements.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Snow pics

David and Briun clening off satilite dish.

Now we kan see tv agun.

This iz r trampoleen fram. Thair wuz no sno yestrda.

Turn yur hed to the rite to see this pic thu rite weigh. It iz r chikn koop. Thair wuz to feet uv sno on top. U kan see in thu bak how deep it iz.

Path leding to chikn coop. Remembur, no sno yestudae.

Luking out frunt dore.

Cache Valley Snow storm

Well, it is official, we currently have 23.5" of snow in Hyrum!!! Yesterday, there was not an inch of snow left on the ground. We are supposed to get more snow during the night! My poor chickens were lucky we put a tarp over their run. If we hadn't done this they would be under two feet of snow. I went out and tried to get the snow off the top, BOY WHAT A JOB!!!!!! I have been out twice today to snowblow and Brian is getting ready to go out for his second time. I love the snow. They kids love being able to play in it. They dog has to jump up to get out of it; it comes up over his head. It is funny to watch him go out in it.
Mom McInelly came up last night so we could get a quilt cut out for my Grandma Chris. She is stuck here until tomorrow. They have put the chain law into effect over Sardine Canyon. She doesn't even have four wheel drive. She brought Zoey up with her and Leslie came and picked her up, she does have four wheel drive and chains. They said the canyon was very bad.
On other news, we built shelves in our food room. They look great! I will put pics on either later tonight or in the morning. They are so awesome. I can see everything we have and I didn't realize just how much food storage we have. I feel very blest to have it. It sure does help make the budget stretch farther.