This pic is the door wall. There are red, brown, blue, and purple paw prints on the walls and doors. I tried to get the same colors as the fabric of the curtians and bedspread.
Closet doors. You can really see the shapes good in this one.
Top of curtians. All those little dots are paw prints of the same colors as the ones on the walls.
Close up of wall paw prints.
Emilie just loved her room. I kept the door closed the whole time I was painting. I wanted it to be a surprise. It is such a relief to have one of the bedrooms done. For Christmas this last year we told the kids that part of their Chirstmas gifts was that mom and dad would be finishing their rooms. Their bedspreads were the inspiration for each of the different rooms. We have the stuff to put insulation in one of the bedrooms downstairs. We will get that done this week and then next payday get the insulation for the other bedroom. After that we will go on to the next step.
It is lots of fun, but hard work. I am enjoying getting it done. After the bedrooms are done we will start on the outside and then the hallway downstairs. The pour bathroom downstairs will be last, maybe.