Sunday, April 12, 2015

Transplants and seeds in the Lower Garden

 The 11th of April, 2015, was a super busy day outside. We started transplanting our seedlings outside. There are plants that can handle the cold better than others and so we have started with those. These plants are cauliflower or broccoli, they are just waiting for us to put them in the ground.
Here you can see the first of the head lettuce that will give us yummy salads this year.
More broccoli and cauliflower waiting to be transplanted. We are hoping to freeze a good majority of this to use during the coming year. We eat lots of broccoli and cauliflower, but our own fresh frozen sounds absolutely divine, much better than store bought.
 This may look like just a picture of dirt, but there are carrots in here. Each square has a "seed tape" of different kinds of carrots. If all of the carrots grow we will have over 1,000 carrots to peel, wash, and bottle!
 Head lettuce gets planted four to a square. We will stagger our planting so we don't have a billion heads of lettuce go bad before we can eat them ;) .
 The first cauliflower is ready to start growing and making creamy white heads for us to enjoy.
 Here is a whole box of either broccoli or cauliflower, I can't remember which is which in the photo. They each get one plant per square, they usually get pretty large.
 An entire row of broccoli and cauliflower, YUMMY!
 These are all carrots in the lower garden, we have many more boxes in the upper garden.
To conserve water, and not have weeds in the walkways, we hand water our garden (until we can afford to put in a drip system). It takes a little bit of time, but it is so worth avoiding the hours of extra weeding that would come from using a sprinkler.

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