Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 7th was carrot and pea day!

On April 7th we planted our upper boxes with carrots and peas.

Here you can see Brian scraping the soil away so we can put the "seed tape" down.

 Next, you place your "seed tape" in the spot you want to plant it.

Then you cover it with dirt. Process done. (Of course you spread the dirt out and cover the "seed tape" completely.)

In square foot gardening you plant 9 peas per square. Here you can see the boards Brian made to help with the spacing of seeds. We have different boards for different numbers of seeds per square foot.

We always plant two seeds per hole. If two plants show up then we will snip one of them out after they are a little bit bigger. It is better to have to snip one out than not have any grow.

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