Thursday, September 9, 2010

Changes keep coming!

Well things are different again:
T came home last month and it has been quite the trial. I just don't know what to do for or with him. I guess we will just keep working on things as they come up.
D has started working on his Eagle Scout Project and is having lots of fun with that. We are in the process of getting the signatures from all the people that need to sign it before he can start; what a challenge!
With T coming home I am able to put E's problems into a different perspective. I can see that they are lots easier to deal with than T's problems. I guess everything has different ways of looking at.
B is in 9th grade this year, a freshman in High School! Time flies when you are otherwise engaged. She is doing really well and is looking forward to having an amazing birthday party. She is really growing up.
Husband B, is still working at his same job and is happy to have a job. I am happy he has one too. He has been traveling for training more than in the past, but we look at is a job security. If they are going to train him, they wont let him go as easily.
I was released from the Relief Society Presidency. It is a huge burden taken off of my back. It came at a perfect time. I have felt that it was coming and am just a tiny, tiny bit sad. I liked being involved with the sisters and feeling like I was contributing. However, I am glad the stress is gone.
We are still doing homeschool with D. He is doing well and we are working on the areas that he struggles. T and B are at the Jr. High. T has a full time aide and is so far doing well. E is in a special class in a new school. She is loving it.
We have a new puppy. It is a mini Austrialian Shepard/lab. He is a cutie pie. His name is Kurzon. We also have his brother, who is my brother and his wife's dog. His name is Dunkin. They are fun to play with. They are also lots of work to potty train. They are only 6 weeks old, so they are just starting the training. They are starting to get the picture and we have fewer accidents than in the last couple of weeks.
Well that is about all for now. Just wanted to post an update of latest changes.

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